Chris Thurman: Yes, evangelicals, it is foolish to support Trump


“…why is Brown talking about me given that my op-ed was about evangelicals who foolishly support Trump in spite of the fact that he is a deeply mentally and morally disturbed person? This is a common tactic employed by many Trump supporters — go after the accuser rather than the accused.” - Christian Post


What the Anti-Poverty Activists Hath Wrought


Who Killed Civil Society?: The Rise of Big Government and the Decline of Bourgeois Norms argues that ‘formative’ efforts by private organizations to prevent social problems from appearing … have been supplanted by the ‘reformative’ efforts of government programs to remedy problems once they appear.


Supreme Court upholds Kentucky abortion law


“Pro-life supporters in Kentucky were pleased with a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that left in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions.” - BPNews


Muhammad breaks into top 10 US baby names list in 2019


“For the first time, the name Muhammad has cracked the top 10 list of most popular baby names for newborn boys in the U.S., according to a parenting website that tracks the popularity of names among its users.” - RNS
