6 quotes: The Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights


“This week, a federal committee accomplished the rarest of all achievements: It produced a government document worth reading. On Thursday, July 16, the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights released a clear, enlightened, and comprehensive report on the origins, authentic content, and illegitimate expansion of human rights.


The long history of how Jesus came to resemble a white European


“I study the evolving image of Jesus Christ from A.D. 1350 to 1600. Some of the best-known depictions of Christ, from Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper” to Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment” in the Sistine Chapel, were produced during this period. But the all-time most-reproduced image of Jesus comes….


The Age of Zealots

I have begun reading a short primer on Crtical Race Theory (“CRT”), written by those who believe it. I won’t provide substantive comment on the merits of the ideology here. But, I do wish to take a step back and make an observation - CRT is a religion.


What Bari Weiss’ resignation from The New York Times tells us about the state of journalism


“This week should go down in journalism history as a week that finally dispelled illusions concerning Goliath Media and its increasing hostility to journalistic Davids. Whether our predominant loyalty is to conservatism or (much better) to Christ, we need to emphasize growing our own publications and competing organizationally, not just trying to place a few people in hostile territory.” - Marvin Olasky


Conversion to Christianity No Longer Punishable by Death in Sudan


“A transitional government in Sudan is taking steps toward ‘achieving equality’ and ending discrimination, leading to cautious optimism …. Apostasy (abandoning Islam through speech or behavior, including conversion to Christianity) and morality laws have been eliminated, and female genital mutilation is now banned.” - CLeaders


What Don Lemon’s Declaration about Jesus’ Sinfulness Actually Reveals


“If you go on Twitter (enter at your own risk) you will see many rebukes of Don Lemon. Many Christians responded in shock at Don Lemon’s claims about Jesus’ imperfections. But I wonder if many stopped to think about what his declaration actually reveals about Christianity at large in America.” - Cripplegate


Against “Mindfulness”


“The main idea of mindfulness is to become aware of your own thoughts. On the surface this idea of self awareness looks similar to the truth of introspection. This similarity to a good mental exercise sweetens the underlying poison of mindfulness.” - Matt Postiff
