What to Do in Dangerous Times


“In the words of Condoleezza Rice, how do we heal these wounds and move our country forward? Only by the grace of God, my friends, only by the grace of God. And by God’s grace, we can be wise men and wise women who ‘turn away wrath.’ How do we turn away wrath?” - P&D


Why a “Conservative” Supreme Court Will Issue Liberal Rulings


“Conservative legal theory holds that laws need to be interpreted and applied according to their “original” or “textual” meaning. Conservative judges, unlike liberal judges, resist ‘making laws,’ which they consider to be the role of legislators….they also tend to have a high respect for ‘precedent,’ for upholding previous court rulings.


America Is in the Grips of a Fundamentalist Revival ...But It’s Not Christian.


“I know full-well that there is nothing original about observing that many Americans have transformed politics into a religion. The phrase ‘Great Awokening’ is a direct callback to arguably the most significant Christian religious revival of our nation’s past. It’s not original, nor is it surprising. We’re hard-wired for a spiritual purpose.” - David French


Has your state been handling the COVID pandemic well?

Masks, no masks. Don’t worry about it, just like a bad flu – or the end of the world. Opinions run a broad spectrum. So does the suggested goverment response.

Has your state (probably led by the governor) chose the best course, in your opinon?

Feel free to opine, and, if you wish, mention your state.

Mine is Indiana, and I have a pretty positive assessment.

Poll Results

Has your state been handling the COVID pandemic well?


The Year of Stupid


“Has any people’s uprising ever been as moronic as the Great Awokening?” - N. Review
