Veith on our summer of cultural suicide


“A civilization that hates itself and a culture that thinks its own customs, values, and traditions are evil and not worth continuing has committed suicide….What a culture or civilization does not pass down to the next generation is lost. It ceases to exist. That is how a society commits cultural suicide.” - Veith


Christians Should Reject the Latest Pro-Hydroxychloroquine Video


“Why do you reject randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in favor of a video touting an anecdotally based conclusion? And, to be clear, there are many other studies from around the world demonstrating the same result that hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for COVID-19.” - John Ellis


68% of American Adults Are Now ‘Bible Curious’


“According to American Bible Society’s (ABS) report, State of the Bible 2020, the number of American adults considered ‘Scripture engaged’ based on how frequently they read the Bible and its impact on their relationships and choices dropped from 28% to 23% …Yet the study also shows 68% of American adults (about 172 million people) are ‘Bible curious,’….


A Bad Argument from a Good Man

Grace Community Church, where John MacArthur serves, has released a statement announcing its intent to defy California’s latest rollback of church gatherings due to concerns of a resurgent COVID-19.

The statement is a disaster.
