Blast from the Past: MacArthur on Civil Disobedience


“If we say that Christians are only required to obey their government when it is functioning by scriptural principles, we then nullify the teaching of Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 in just about any age of history-especially the time during which those passages were written!


Gallup: 81% of black Americans do not want police presence reduced in their areas


“Close to two-thirds, 61 percent, of black Americans said they want the police presence in their area to remain the same, while 20 percent said they would like to see police spend more time in their neighborhood, according to a new Gallup poll. Another 19 percent said they would like to see the police presence in their area decrease.” - National Review


Pro-life bill moves forward in Nebraska


“Lawmakers in Nebraska broke a filibuster on Wednesday to move forward a bill protecting babies from dismemberment abortions. Most abortions after the first trimester use ‘dilation and evacuation,’ or pulling babies from the womb limb by limb.” - WORLD


Why conservative critics are wrong to oppose local face mask mandates


“While the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to issue a nationwide mask mandate, state and local governments do have a broad ‘police power’ that legally allows them to pass such regulations to protect public health and safety. The political question remains whether this is the best policy.


What Do You Mean?

One of the most frustrating aspects of the recent civil unrest in America for me, has been trying to figure out what people mean by what they say. Am I at fault for failing to understand the plain meaning of simple words, or are the words themselves intended to obscure the real intentions of the speaker?

I am beginning to suspect it’s the latter. It seems that words are being used in a manner intended to hide, not reveal what the speaker actually means.


Should Protestants Reject Natural Law? Responding to Common Objections


“Even according to Protestant traditions with the gravest views of sin, fallen human beings do not get everything wrong when thinking about morality. Since Scripture itself affirms that the created order reveals God’s moral law, Christians should not turn their backs on natural law for the sake of promoting biblical teaching.” - Public Discourse


California transgender fund scrapped


California Family Council “and other pro-family groups distributed copies of Wall Street Journal reporter Abigail Shrier’s new book, Irreversible Damage, to state lawmakers on the committee.” - WORLD
