Seven Trends to Watch in 2021


“Seven things Christians can look forward to this year after a very challenging 2020: space, virtual learning, challenges for Christians, ministry, and more.” - AiG


The 3 pillars of Christian economics


“1. Creativity and work. God the Creator tasked human beings with labor even in the Garden of Eden. This work allows us to refine, purify, and fructify His handiwork. While this does not make human beings co-creators – for only God created all things ex nihilo – it gives us a canvas on which to display the creativity God implanted inside all His children.” - Acton


Ben Sasse: What happens on January 6?


“Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense.


Survey: British Gen Z More Likely Than Millennials to Believe in God


Survey: “23 percent of Britons aged 16 to 24 said they believe in God, with an additional 13 percent saying they believe in a ‘higher spiritual power.’ By contrast, only 19 percent of those aged 25-39 said they believe in God, with 16 percent saying they believe in a higher power.” - C.Leaders


Year in Review: Barna’s Top 10 Releases of 2020


“The stories below are a reflection of what our nation and the Church has walked through over the past 365 days, covering somber findings, stark divides, moments of healing and glimmers of hope for the coming year.” -


A Christmas Eve Message from the Moon


“ ‘We were told that on Christmas Eve we would have the largest audience that had ever listened to a human voice,’ recalled Commander Frank Borman during the 40th anniversary celebrations in 2008. ‘And the only instructions that we got from NASA was to do something appropriate.’” - IFWE


The psychology of fairness: Why some Americans don’t believe the election results


“…the act of discounting the fairness of a decision process when a decision violates one’s identity is not limited to one political party. For example, after Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, Democrats tended to believe that his confirmation hearings were unjust, including the withholding of important evidence.
