Criticism of Israel or Jew-Hatred? Recognizing Modern Anti-Semitism


“Despite claiming to lack hostility toward the global Jewish people, today’s “anti-Zionists” single out the world’s only Jewish state for specific and demonizing criticism….Join us for an important conversation about modern anti-Semitism, anti-Israel rhetoric, and the role of the IHRA in combatting both.” - Heritage Foundation


Why We Plan to Get Vaccinated: A Christian Moral Perspective


“Unless we consider the moral shape of the challenges confronting us as a society, we will be overwhelmed by the loud, often extreme voices reducing complex decisions about vaccinations to rival narratives that pit individual sovereignty against state authority.


What Will Faith and Politics Look Like Under Biden? Faith Leaders Answer


“If Americans are to have any hope of overcoming our deep polarizations, people of faith must be willing to cooperate with one another where they can, even when they strongly disagree on some issues. So said a panel of four faith leaders, including Dr. Russell Moore, in a webinar Thursday on faith and politics under Biden presidency.” - C.Leaders


Thank God for the Rule of Law

Man-made laws are a mixed bag. Motivations range from desire to build a better society to desire to pander to a constituency, increase personal power, settle a score, or cover up wrongdoing. Even when well meant, laws often bring unintended consequences.

Rule of law, though, is better. As an alternative to the rule of mere men, it’s a rare and precious blessing. A portion of the Oxford English Dictionary definition captures what I mean by the term.
