Texas v. Pennsylvania Would Have Upended the Electoral College


“Texas asked the Court to declare that electoral votes ‘cast by such presidential electors’ ‘are in violation’ of the Constitution and ‘cannot be counted.’ But… Under the Twelfth Amendment, Congress counts electoral votes. For the Court to instruct Congress what can or cannot be counted would be a remarkable intrusion on the separation of powers.” - L & L


Study: Effects of puberty-blockers can last a lifetime


“Proponents of putting gender-confused children on puberty-blocking drugs have long said there’s no harm in pressing pause on their physical development while they take time to consider their identity. …But a long-term study by the United Kingdom’s leading facility for treating gender-dysphoric children found otherwise.” - WORLD


Christian Nationalism vs. Christian Patriotism


“Obviously, traditional Christians ought to limit that kind of nationalistic fervor. As ‘strangers and exiles on the earth,’ our ultimate allegiance is to Christ’s kingdom….But measured patriotism still seems appropriate, and somewhat unavoidable for most Christians.” - TGC


Not Guilty by Reason of Poverty


“The city of Seattle, having defunded their police by 18%, is now considering removing the criminal penalty for misdemeanor theft, trespass, and assault if the perpetrator suffers from poverty.” - Veith


Justices order review of Colorado, New Jersey worship limits


“The Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered lower federal courts in Colorado and New Jersey to reexamine state restrictions on indoor religious services to combat the coronavirus in light of the justices’ recent ruling in favor of churches and synagogues in New York.” - BPNews


AGTV: A New Bible-based Streaming Network


AGTV not only features both American Gospel films (and will feature future films), but other solid films and series which share the same goal; guarding the gospel and exalting Christ. It’s also a platform for pointing people in the direction of recommended ministries and biblical teaching.” - Challies


Anti-trafficking ministry Exodus Cry celebrates victory over Pornhub


“Exodus Cry is celebrating significant progress in its fight to take down the world’s largest porn site, Pornhub, which announced Monday that it had pulled millions of unverified videos. It said the move could represent ‘one of the most significant actions ever taken against criminal porn.’” - CToday
