Will We Work in the New Earth?


“Many believe that work is a curse, but the reality is that God made work, and it was part of the very good earth before Adam’s fall from grace. It is only after Adam’s sin that work is cursed” - IFWE


Why Evangelicals Are So Disliked, Part II


“In all of this, Evangelicals come across to the general public as mean-spirited, hypocritical in their claims to be moral, and insincere in their professed allegiance to Jesus. I’m not saying this is accurate–I think it shows great misunderstanding–but this is the perception.” - Veith


The trouble with perpetual victimhood


“It’s not ‘lived experience’ getting erased in the students’ minds. It’s the obvious difference between assigning blame for an act already committed and forestalling an act that might be avoided. Could it be that some victims and their advocates are not merely camping out on victimhood, but identifying as victims?” - Janie Cheaney


Why Evangelicals Are So Disliked, Part I


“We are often despised not so much for following Jesus, but for NOT following Jesus, though we say we do. What I’ve heard is accusations that Evangelicals do not really believe what they say they believe.” - Veith


Weighing election fraud claims—again


“Such claims are so numerous, we’ve been unable to examine all of them—but Lindell’s video provides an opportunity to look at several in more detail. For the most part, Lindell’s claims aren’t new. Journalists, public officials, and experts have already disputed or debunked much of the video’s purported evidence of fraud or foreign election interference.” - WORLD
