Abortion clinics have declined in the U.S., but pill providers have increased


“Operation Rescue released the report Tuesday….finds that the number of surgical abortion clinics in the United States has dropped by over 35% from 713 facilities in 2009 to 458 facilities in 2020.” Clinics providing drug-induced abortions went from 131 facilities in 2009 to 248 facilities in 2020. - CPost


Did CNN Report That Antifa ‘Claimed Responsibility’ for Storming Capitol Hill? Did a Facial Recognition Software Company Identify Antifa Members at the Capitol? No, and No


“A graphic has started to spread on social media, allegedly showing a CNN chyron reporting that Antifa was behind the attack on Congress on Wednesday.” It’s fake. Also “XRVision never actually identified Antifa members at the riot: The company’s attorney issued a statement to


Anti-Semitism Is All of Our Problem


“As revolting as the practice of anti-Semitism is, it’s a problem that lies hidden right in the midst of America—and it’s more widespread than we like to admit.” - Heritage


Jericho March Returns to DC to Pray for a Trump Miracle


“Organizers of the Jericho March, slated for Tuesday and Wednesday, have called on ‘patriots, people of faith and all those who want to take back America’ to travel to Washington on those days for a pair of marches to overturn the recent presidential election.” - CToday


Trump to Raffensperger: Find Me the Votes


“…the Saturday call between Trump and Raffensperger provides the best window into the intense pressure that the Secretary of State—a lifelong Republican who voted for and donated to Trump—has been under.
