What Do the People Love?


“Augustine’s statement, though, is a very powerful instrument for understanding a nation or a culture: What do the people love? I would say that the object of love for Americans, historically, has been freedom….There is nothing wrong with loving these things, but, St. Augustine would say, unless the people also love God, their lesser loves can lead them astray.” - Veith


Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 1)

Have you heard about the Great Reset?

Well, you may not have heard of it, but its leaders certainly have an incredibly intricate plan for you and your future.

The Reset has been designed by the World Economic Forum for a number of years, and the term has been used specifically since at least 2017.1 The WEF was also preparing for “a very severe pandemic” since at least October of 2019.2


America's despair problem


“In 2015… two Princeton economists, Anne Case and Angus Deaton, released a study documenting the frightening rise of “deaths of despair” among white non-college-educated Americans, showing even a decrease of life expectancy driven by alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide.” - N.Review


Abortions practically nonexistent in Missouri


“As it appears Missouri has become the first state since the Roe v. Wade decision to virtually eliminate abortions, Baptists are celebrating while preparing for more battles ahead.” - BPNews
