Crimes and punishments


“As Russia silences political dissidents, religious minorities—including evangelicals—find ways to grow during a chill” - WORLD


“In much of life we build habits and patterns the way people build roads.”


“The man who grumbles in his heart will soon grumble before his household and before his fellow church members. He has begun to walk a trail of complaint and will find that others begin to follow in his footsteps, that they begin to imitate him….But what is true of bad habits is equally true of good.” - Challies


COVID-19 a Year Later: What We’ve Learned in Faith


“Whenever we lose that vertical perspective, then the horizontal perspective becomes dimmer, more obscure, (less certain) until you have that vertical dimension, and then it kind of becomes, ‘Oh, put things in perspective. It’s another event. We’ll get through this, and we might get through this stronger even’ ” - BJU Today


The Dangers of Doomscrolling


“we also need to remember that every headline is a sales pitch, crafted to grab our attention, accrue clicks, and make money. Media companies profit from our addiction to doomscrolling. They’re motivated to keep us doing it—drawing us constantly from one horrific headline to the next.” - TGC
