How to Make Your Ministry Experience Matter in Any Job


“They often ask, ‘What does leading this Bible study have to do with a job?’ or, ‘Does this international ministry trip add any value to my résumé?’ The answer is, as it nearly always is, ‘Yes it’s valuable, but you have to talk about it in the language that is relevant to the employer.’” - IFWE


What If Science Caused the Pandemic?


“Recently, 18 prominent researchers published a letter in the journal Science calling for a full investigation of the Wuhan lab connections. Now the possibility is being taken seriously.” - Veith


Could You Use Some Joy Today?


“we do not need to be Christians for long before we learn that the greatest joy connected to wealth does not come from gaining but from giving. Hoarding wealth for ourselves gives far less lasting satisfaction than contributing wealth to God’s causes.” - Challies


5 Lies I Believed About Work


“Lie #3: Full-time ministry is the only work that serves God. I struggled finding my calling in work for a while because I believed the false dichotomy that said I couldn’t serve God while working a ‘normal job.’” - Kevin Halloran


On Rejoicing


“The places it [“rejoice”] shows up in the Scripture tell us something about what should press our buttons. These instances should help us evaluate the appropriateness of our affections.” - Olinger


The Neglected Ministry of Asking Questions


“Think about people who make you feel loved. What about them makes you feel this way? … I can almost guarantee that they ask good questions and listen well.” - TGC


Some Preliminary Thoughts on Divorce and Remarriage

Editor’s note: Baptist Bulletin ran a three article set on the topic of divorce and remarriage in the November/December 2020 issue. Below is the first, an introduction by the magazine’s managing editor.

By David Gunn


On Christian Blemishes


“The following letter comes from The Works of the Rev. John Newton (London, 1808) pp. 346–353. Reader beware: Newton’s portraits are both humorous and piercing.” - Ref21
