California drops Aztec prayers from ethnic studies curriculum after parents file suit


“The curriculum included … the ‘In Lak Ech Affirmation,’ which invoked five Aztec deities. Although labeled as an ‘affirmation,’ it addressed the deities both by name and by their traditional titles, recognized them as sources of power and knowledge, invoked their assistance, and gave thanks to them.” - CPost


How To Have a Glorious New Year

Would you like to have a glorious year in 2022?

The Biblical data regarding the issue of glory says that you can—indeed, it commands that you must!

What is the source of any glory that we hope to obtain? Is it to be found in achievements, investments, promotions, windfalls, victories or some other form of worldly success? Does its inspiration come from the sparks that flare from the fireplace on a cold January afternoon?


Don't Ban Critical Race Theory. Legalize School Choice.


“Some conservatives want to ban the teaching of CRT. That’s not a good idea. Government shouldn’t be banning ideas ….A better solution is legalizing school choice. Let parents take our tax money to a school we choose.” - John Stossel


Can a Christian Replace Employees with AI?


“My regional manager has tasked me with identifying employees who can be replaced by our new digital kiosks. Should I object? … Should I seek out some other alternatives? How can I think about this as a Christian?” - TGC


Newsflash: Personal Discipline Is Not Legalism


“The source of the problem, ultimately, is a general sense, born out of sentiments endemic in broader culture, and perpetuated at times in Christian homes and churches, that cultivating discipline and developing a work ethic are somehow dangerous, legalistic, or antithetical to the Christian Gospel. This is patently false.” - Snoeberger
