Does the Bible Command Daily Devotions?


“…from where do we get this idea of a time of daily worship, which consists mainly in Bible reading and prayer? The answer is that the practice is implied in a number of Scriptures.” - TGC


Christmas in July . . . and August

Last year at this time I wrote a column about the concept of taking time during this final week of the year (or, if you still need it, the first week of January) to plan for the new year.

This period has become quite meaningful to me, and I have grown to love the idea of investing time in reading, reflecting, scheduling, goal setting and generally preparing for the year ahead.


Living Normally in an Abnormal World


“As Christ followers, we will never feel normal in this world. Sin’s influence keeps the sands shifting beneath our feet. Pandemics, politics, pseudo-science all threaten our security. But as I keep my eyes on the One who secured my salvation and holds my future, I can live steadied by His truth.” - Sandy Carter


Ten Prayers for the New Year


“2021 was a year filled with trials and troubles for many. Let’s start this next one on our knees.” - CToday
