Miracles Don’t Violate the Laws of Nature


“Although some earlier writers had viewed miracles as beyond laws of nature, Hume treated them as ‘violations’ of laws of nature. Once he adopted this definition, he insisted that miracles are miracles only if they violate natural law. Then he argued that natural law cannot be violated, so therefore miracles do not happen.” - C.Today


Our Hearts and Minds Turned Outward


“…in just that way, social media can be used for such good and such ill. It can display human beings at their best and worst, their most gracious and most condescending, their most humble and most prideful.” - Challies


What Should I Do When My Colleague Overpromises?


“Sometimes I hear my boss promise things I know we can’t deliver. I know he’s just trying to reassure the client and land the sale…. I want to correct him, but I also want to respect him—especially in front of our clients. Is there a way to correct someone so gently it won’t be embarrassing?” - TGC


Trust Issues: Responding to our Cultural Authority Crisis


“Increasingly, however, skepticism has been replaced by cynicism and is expressed in an immediate distrust anytime anyone tells us anything to think or do. This is not healthy or sustainable, nor is it a biblical way of thinking about authority.” - Breakpoint


Physics’ Unsolved Energy Crisis


“Two fundamental laws of physics clash if we try to explain the universe’s origin without a Creator.” - AiG


How Can We Be Quick to Listen?


“Most often, we grow by listening, not by talking. Consider nine ways to become a better listener.” - TGC


What Is the Meaning of Life? Stewardship

A study by LifeWay Research several years ago found that 75% of the general population agreed with the statement, “There is an ultimate purpose and plan for every person’s life.” That number still seems surprisingly high to me. The same study found that 50% of those who never attend church services said there is no purpose or plan for human lives.
