Biochemistry Doesn’t Point to Common Ancestry


“…philosopher of biology Paul Nelson, in a piece at Evolution News, called the paper ‘the most interesting biology paper of 2022 so far.’ Its findings are precisely the opposite of what we’d expect if life evolved from a common ancestor.” - Breakpoint


What’s the Hard Decision You Need to Make?


A very short pep talk: “I know it’s hard, but that’s why you’re the leader. It’s your job to make the difficult decisions no one else wants to make.” - Cooke


Contentment Turns All It Touches to Gold


“Content[ment] is the philosopher’s stone which turns all it touches into gold; happy is he who has found it. Content[ment] is more than a kingdom, it is another word for happiness. —C. H. Spurgeon” - C.Leaders


Does Math Point to God?


Podcast: Dr. Craig and atheist philosopher Graham Oppy discuss a unique argument for God’s existence from mathematics. - In the Arena


Top excuses we make to not be gentle


“It saddens me that any of us need to be convinced to be gentle. It saddens me that I’m often not gentle to those I love most. Gentleness is both a command from the Lord and a sign that we are becoming more like Christ.” - C.Post
