R.C. Sproul: Principle vs. Pragmatism


“Pragmatism is the only philosophy native to America. Pragmatism eschews any hope of discovering ultimate truth. It … defines truth as ‘that which works.’” - Sproul


10 facts about today’s college graduates


“2 In a reversal, women are now more likely than men to graduate from college…. 4 Only 62% of students who start a degree or certificate program finish their program within six years” - Pew


Christ's Resurrection and Our Newness of Life

By C. H. Spurgeon. Sermon 2197 delivered on Lord’s-day morning, March 29th, 1891 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

“Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (Rom. 6:4)


What Does the Book of Exodus Teach Us About Work?


“…start with God the Father. In Exodus 15:11, we see that there is no one like God, who works wonders for his people. Later in Exodus 34:10, we read that God expresses his covenant love and faithfulness to Israel. He will do awesome work for them. And he does.” - IFWE


New online course gives Christians social media roadmap


SBC’s “North American Mission Board (NAMB) and Send Network partnered with Dan Darling, author of A Way with Words, to create a free web course at NewChurches.com called “Using Online Conversations for Good” - BPnews


Whatever Became of Family Worship?

I attended a Christian university along with approximately five-thousand other students, most of whom came from Christian homes. Although I never conducted an official survey, my general impression was that very few of my fellow Christian students had grown up in homes where family worship had been regularly practiced. It seemed to be a foreign concept to most of them. I believe the general ignorance concerning family worship demonstrates just how far Christian families have departed from their Christian heritage.


Is TikTok Dangerous for Teens?


“TikTok is now the world’s most downloaded app and the world’s #1 most visited website, ahead of Google (#2) and Facebook (#3). Every day, more than one billion different videos are viewed on TikTok. Experts agree that the key to its success is its unique algorithm.” - IFS


Knowing the Sovereignty of God through Suffering, Part 1

“More bad news.” Throughout my nine-month ordeal with the brain tumor and lymphoma there were few positive developments. Even what we thought were positive developments turned out to be false hopes. My wife and I felt like we were slowly descending into an abyss. I felt like I was slipping down a steep slope to death, which lay at the bottom with its mouth open for me like a yawning chasm. I wanted to stop and get off the ride, but this wasn’t a ride, and I couldn’t stop anything. I had no control.
