The Puritans on Habits and Spiritual Maturity


“The Puritans believed that habits were a means of cultivating spiritual maturity in the believer by giving a believer a greater capacity for future obedience, by uniting a believer’s will to God’s, and by conforming a believer to the image of Christ.” - Ref21


12 Thoughts on Christians and Halloween


“3. Believers who participate in Halloween should do so with caution. My primary concern is not with the night itself, but that we sometimes numb ourselves to evil…” - Chuck Lawless


In Praise of Traditional Marital Roles


“As American wives increasingly outearn their husbands, many couples experience what relationship coach Suzanne Venker calls ‘role-reversal stress.’ This stress can be deleterious for their emotional and sexual lives, three studies published in the American Sociological Review suggest” - IFS


How to Do Faithful Work at a Thankless Job


“I don’t see the service industry as drudgery but as a singular opportunity to serve countless people. If I scorn the job God has handed me, I’m thumbing my nose at him, telling him I’m too good for it.” - TGC


State of the Bible: Printed Bibles Remain More Popular than Apps


American Bible Society’s latest State of the Bible Survey: “69 percent of Bible users read from the printed Bible within the month preceding the query, and 48 percent used a Bible app on a phone, tablet or computer, ABS said, with the categories overlapping.” - BPNews
