How to Minister to Someone Whose Faith Is Under Fire

“someone… whose faith is under fire from great trials or a particular attack from the tempter. How would you minister to this person? Paul gives us a model in his letter to the church in Thessalonica.” - Colin Smith(link is external)


I generally agree with this article, but we need to be very careful when we minister the Word, especially under the intensity of the trial and challenge. Oftentimes it is best to be quiet and minister to the individual. As someone who is going through a serious trial as well as helping others go through this trial, one of the worse things that can be done is for another Christian to flippantly quote verses in the midst of your suffering. First, most people tend to use wrong verses and Second, oftentimes verses don't help. The individual just has to suffer. You may say, well is that Biblical. Yes it is. First, we can point to the suffering of Christ in the Garden. During that moment, He just had to suffer. The very Word himself was near the point of collapse. And during the pinnacle of that suffering, He cries out why has God forsaken Him. Would a trite verse on just trusting God, solve His problem? No. We can also look to Elijah, as he was near suicide. Did God give him some truth in just trusting Him? No, he was quiet. He sent an angel to feed him and give him rest. There is no doubt we need Scripture during our trials, but we also need to be smart in how we use it. Someone who just lost their child that day, does not need a church member texting them about just putting all of your cares upon Him.

I recently made I hospital visit where the man was very depressed. I told him that I only had one verse to share with him: "I thank God upon every remembrance of you." I then told him that when I think of him, I am thankful that he is my friend. He gave me the thumbs up and closed his eyes. Then I just sat there with him and kept my mouth shut.

Pr 25:20 Like one who takes off a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar on soda, Is he who sings songs to a troubled heart.