Seek Wisdom in the Age of Algorithms


“So how do we order our lives for God’s glory and our neighbor’s good in an age of algorithmic flattery? Here are seven considerations.” - TGC


My evangelical Sukkot saviors


“While Sabbath law didn’t permit me to ask someone to do something for me that I couldn’t do for myself, I hadn’t asked; he had offered. … They made Dovie and me feel as if we were doing them a favor by allowing them to be our chauffeurs.” - RNS


So You Think You’re Facing Persecution, Do You?


Peter “goes on in verse 15 to say, ‘But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler.’ He wants to be clear that not all suffering is persecution.” - Challies


Does College Get in the Way of Education?


“A new book paints a dismal picture of the modern Academy and its failure to truly educate and not just indoctrinate. But are the authors’ solutions any better?” - Acton


Healthy Distrust of Self


“Paul was not self-focused; he didn’t spend his days beating himself up mentally for his failures and shortcomings. But he did have a healthy distrust of his own inclinations, and he saw to it that the circumstantial doors to those inclinations were kept closed.” - Olinger


Where do you contribute (mostly) for disaster relief?

With a severe hurricane afflicting Florida and an endless barrage of one disaster after another, where do you contribute (when you do contribute — none of us can keep up with them all) to disaster relief? Or perhaps your giving is totally designated toward organizations (like a mission’s organization) that are not noted for significant relief work. Relief for victims from the war in Ukraine, BTW, would also be count as relief.
