Pornography: A Spiritual Pandemic


“One of the books I require the seminary men to read … is More Than a Battle: How to Experience Victory, Freedom, and Healing from Lust by our school’s president, Dr. Joe Rigney. The wise advice in that book is a gift for … those who are struggling with pornography and those who want to help.” - Andy Naselli


“Like a Weaned Child”: Trusting God When Life Hurts (Part 1)

Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? For example, what do we say when a Christian mother backs the car over the top of her little toddler crushing him to death? When a Christian man discovers he has brain cancer and must soon leave his three young children without a father? When a hurricane destroys the homes and disrupts the lives not only of unbelievers but also of believers? Perhaps you’ve asked that question while undergoing personal trial or tragedy.


How Idolatry Works


“We always obey that which we desire the most. When we desire something more than we desire God, we will obey that something if ever and whenever we are faced with a choice to obey God or to obey it.” - Scott Sauls


Girding up the Christian Mind


“…it is manifestly the case that with the church’s mounting capitulation to secular culture, God’s people have increasingly been marked by the antipathy to learning so characteristic of that culture.” - Ligonier
