The quasi-parent mess


“The law formally defines “quasi”-parent as ‘a person not a legal parent who nonetheless has greater rights in a contest with the legal parent than does any other party.’” - WORLD


10 Questions to Ask When Looking for a New Church

Looking for a new church can be an exciting process, but it can also be discouraging and even frustrating. Here are 10 questions that may help you work through that process—5 you should ask before you leave your current fellowship, and 5 you should ask before you arrive at the new one.


What About Divorce?

Divorce is a hot button issue among Christians today. It seems to have been a pressing issue in Christ’s day as well. Needless to say, divorce involves a wide range of opinions and engenders serious disagreements. Some state that the Bible teaches no divorce for any reason for any Christian ever. Others consider divorce an unfortunate, but unavoidable fact of life that should cause no undue concern for the people of God.


Being Salt and Light in the Middle of a Twitter Mob


Jaron Lanier: “Whatever you say will be contextualized and given meaning by the way algorithms, crowds, and crowds of fake people who are actually algorithms mash it up with what other people say.” - CToday
