Caring for Our Own ‘Garden of Eden’


“just as Adam was placed in the literal Garden of Eden to work with God for his divine purposes, we too have been placed in our own figurative gardens to fulfill God’s purposes.” - IFWE


Christian apologetics club wins free speech battle


“Kennesaw State has done the right thing in ending the ability of officials to quarantine any student speech they deemed ‘controversial’ to a tiny, difficult-to-access part of campus” - BPNews


Good News, Bad News about Divorce


Divorce rates are down, but… “Many poor and less educated Americans are opting not to get married at all. They’re living together [and] often raising kids together [but] studies have shown these cohabiting relationships are less stable than they used to be.” - Center for Vision & Values


Force fathers to stay at home? A warning from Europe


“Joanne Lipman opened the debate with her op-ed titled, ‘Want Equality? Make New Dads Stay Home.’ She highlighted the case of Humanyze, which obliges all fathers to take 12 weeks paternity leave.” - Acton
