The Sabbath

Many people have deep convictions about the Sabbath Day. The Sabbath Day is the seventh day of the week. In Spanish, Saturday is rightly called “Sabado.”

Some think the Sabbath Day was changed to Sunday—quite a leap, in my view. Others think that the church should meet, and people should not work on Sabbath Day, so they form “Seventh Day” religions. Some Messianic Jews even believe that Christ actually arose on Saturday!


Theology Thursday - The Idol of "Relevance"

In this excerpt from his little book Prophetic Untimeliness: A Challenge to the Idol of Relevance,1 Os Guinness puts his finger on a key issue in the conservative Christian sub-culture. His comments are even more interesting when you consider the book was published in 2003:


Avoiding Deep Dissatisfaction in My Job


“I’ve noticed today there are many approaches being offered by businesses for those seeking to find deeper fulfillment and satisfaction in whatever their ‘work’ might be. With so many options available, why is it that deep satisfaction is still so illusory?” - TIFWE


Richard Foster: Effort Is Not the Opposite of Grace


“There’s a back and forth—there is a role that we play in our relational life with God. That role is, as Paul puts it, that we are to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. Now, how do you do that? I’d say primarily—not exclusively, but primarily—through the classical disciplines of the spiritual life.” - CToday


Is Meditation permissible for Christians?


“The practice of meditation in its many forms (transcendental, mindful, body scan, awareness, zen, etc.) has suddenly metastasized into a lucrative industry, assimilated by Western corporate conglomerates. Even the Marines are taking a stab at the practice.” - Cripplegate


3 Logical Fallacies to Avoid


“What follows is a short list of some popular logical fallacies that both believers and unbelievers tend to use in support of or opposition to the Christian faith.” - Mark Farnham
