Resisting the Temptation of Pride in Leadership


“By mere force of their seemingly self-assured personalities, they shake up the status quo and make change happen. But their temporary ‘success’ comes at a profound cost. What seems like success in the world’s eyes is actually failure from God’s perspective.” - IFWE


Where Is Moody Bible Institute Headed?

Folks have asked me what I thought about the changes going on at my alma mater, Moody Bible Institute. It took me quite a while to process my response, so here it is.

I am very proud to have graduated from the Moody Bible Institute. In recent months, the school has been rocked with a change in administration. Unlike many requested resignations, the president of Moody did not resign because of moral or financial scandal.


FBBC: A New Plea for Help


“Yesterday, we found out that insurance will not cover the damage to our campus in this instance… . We would appreciate your prayers and, if you are able to help, we have the following needs…” Letter


Faith Baptist Theological Seminary Announces New Doctor Of Ministry Degree

Faith Baptist Theological Seminary is now offering a Doctor of Ministry degree, designed for Christian leaders in full-time ministry. This three-year program, which can extend up to five years, is designed using a cohort model. Each cohort will take either the Shepherding and Discipleship or Expository Preaching track. The inaugural class will receive a 25% program discount. Read more here.


FBBC in Ankeny Flooded: Urgent Need for Volunteers


“Ankeny received 10 inches of rain on Saturday night. This caused massive flooding in the entire town of Ankeny. This also caused flooding in all 6 of our apartment buildings and our IT and Maintenance Building. With students set to arrive in 6 weeks, we are in big trouble!” Announcement
