The Difference Between Lament and Grumbling


“These Psalms of lament would not be in the Scripture if they were teaching us to do something sinful… so we learn, there is a way we can lament our circumstances before God. What’s the difference?” - Challies


Teens' screen time linked to ADHD, spiritual problems


“Teens who report high-frequency digital media use are twice as likely to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports.” - BPNews


From the Archives: Reasoning Outside the Box of Human Reason

Unless you reason outside the box of human reason, you can forget about understanding the Jesus of the Bible. Only those willing and able to break the constraints of common experience and human rationalism can hope to make any sense of Jesus’ life and ministry.


Renew Your Friendship Subscription


“I’ll be the first to admit that it’s easier to turn on Netflix and turn off my brain for four hours after work than to go out of my way to find my friends and encourage them.” - Pursing the Pursuer


Parents sue over city schools ‘anti-Islamophobia’ program


“Attorneys for the families suing the district argue that CAIR is trying to use the program to promote Islam in San Diego schools, They say Muslim students should be treated the same as other students in the district and not receive special treatment.” - Fox San Diego
