Why Biblical Foundations for Education Still Matter, Part 2

Three Biblical Models for Grounding Education

1. Solomon’s Worldview Model

Solomon’s commentary on the foundations for learning is not insignificant. Solomon is lauded as the wisest person who would ever live,6 and he formulates a very straightforward philosophy of education.


Gloom as the Noonday: God's Call for Authenticity

If you profess to be a child of God, through repentance from sins and faith in who Jesus is and what He’s done, then He expects you to act like it. It isn’t legalism to tell Christians that God expects His people to do what He says. We instinctively understand this in the private sphere, but we’re often very reluctant to acknowledge it in the religious arena. For example, take a representative married couple having problems, and consider the wisdom of the following two responses:


UC Berkeley leader Isabella Chow slammed over biblical gender views


“A University of California at Berkeley LGBT group is petitioning for Sen. Isabella Chow’s resignation from student government; her political party, Student Action, has dropped ties to her; the university newspaper has refused to run Chow’s editorial in her defense; and hundreds have protested against her” - BP News


We’re Waiting for Media’s Corrections on Ocean Warming


“Joshua Emerson Smith, a reporter for the San Diego Union-Tribune, has picked it up, and the U-T gave his story prominent placement: ‘Climate contrarian uncovers scientific error, upends major ocean warming study.’ … Smith reports that the original study’s authors acknowledged their error and thanked Lewis for pointing it out and have submitted a correction to Nature.” - Cornwall Alliance


Faith, technology, innovation explored at conf.


“Using AI technology for redemptive purposes was just one of many topics discussed at Faith Leads Tech — a one-day conference designed to bring together followers of Jesus who are interested in using technology and innovation to provide biblical solutions for life.” - BP News


Are You Becoming More or Less of an Encourager?

By Jordan Standridge. Reposted from The Cripplegate.

The Christian life is hard.

I know I’m not shocking you right now, but it isn’t easy to be a Christian. We are constantly at war. Mainly against our own flesh (1 Peter 2:11), but the enemy is constantly prowling around like a roaring lion seeking who he might devour as well (1 Peter 5:8).
