What to Do in a Tumultuous 2019


“Just about every year has been a rough one for God’s people. His word is given for such a time as these. We need to keep the main things the main things.” - Cripplegate


Reading through the Bible in one year in 2019? Pastors weigh in


John Piper: “Reading through the Bible in a year involves about four or five chapters a day. If you think you have to remember all you read while you’re reading those four or five chapters, this will feel absolutely overwhelming and pointless.” - CPost


You're Doing It Wrong: Reading Entire Books of the Bible

Reposted from DBTS blog.

Have you ever read one of the Gospels in one sitting? I believe many Christians have not. Have you ever read Romans in one sitting? How would such a reading change your perspective on the book?

I require my students to read the Bible in large portions. For instance, in the Gospels class, I require students to read an entire Gospel in one sitting. While most choose Mark (it’s the shortest!), I usually encourage them to read John or Matthew.


Dr. Myron Hougton Retires After Distinguished Teaching Career


“Dr. Houghton began his teaching ministry in 1971 at Denver Baptist Bible College and at FBBC in 1983. Once the seminary opened in 1986, “Dr. Myron,” as he is known, became chairman of the theology department and has been the only person to serve in that position during the seminary’s 32-year history.” - RBPress


Apple pulls Christian ministry's 'ex-gay' app


“Apple pulled a Christian ministry’s app after LGBT advocates said it portrayed being gay as a ‘sickness,’ a charge the ministry says is false. NBC News reported that the tech giant removed the app that was developed by Living Hope Ministries, a Texas-based organization, following a Change.org petition from gay rights group Truth Wins Out.


What specific things should parents tell their children that they would like to see the Lord do in lives of their children?

When David charged Solomon about building the Temple, he included this remark to him:

1 Chronicles 22:12 Only the LORD give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the law of the LORD thy God.

After David’s death, Solomon prayed a great prayer to God that has strong conceptual parallels to what his father had spoken to him earlier:
