Love & Hurt Feelings – Refresher

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

Insurance companies amaze me. One little speeding ticket or a minor fender-bender, and everything changes. Your monthly payment sky-rockets. They no longer trust you. Simply for doing the human thing of making a mistake, you henceforth are placed on insurance detention. They not only record the minor mishap, but your previously good relationship with them goes sour from merely one mistake. One little blunder results in a tarnished relationship.


The "Gender Pay Gap" Isn't What You Think It Is


“[T]he commonly reported figure…is derived by taking the total annual earnings of men in the American economy in a given year and dividing that by the number of male workers….Then you do the same thing but for women.


Twitter Bans “Misgendering” and “Deadnaming”


“ ‘Misgendering’ refers to when someone uses the ‘wrong’ pronoun to describe a transgender person (i.e., calling a biological male who identifies as female ‘he’). ‘Deadnaming’ refers to using a transgender person’s birth name (i.e. calling well-known athlete Bruce Jenner ‘Bruce’ instead of his preferred ‘Caitlyn’).” - AiG


The 50% Lie

by Steven Ingino, from The Cripplegate

You’ve heard it repeatedly on radio, podcasts, and TV. You’ve read it in various books and articles. You’ve even heard it in your pastor’s sermon. The problem: it’s a lie.

50% of all marriages end in divorce.
