Trusting God in New Job Assignments


“One of the most relevant aspects of God’s presence in our work is that of trusting him during the job assignment process. Whether you are in the military or not, you can probably relate to what it feels like when your career feels out of your control.” - IFWE


A Plea to the Trustees of Southwestern


“[T]here are some who will not be content until Dr. Patterson is brought back and pilloried and others that will only rest when that happens to the trustees. ” - SBC Voices


Let's Make Wisdom Great Again


“One of the clearest examples of this problematic yet ever increasing norm in our society came last week when a group of Roman Catholic High School students—who happened to be on a pro-life trip—became the objects of social bullying and bigotry—and, all under the faulty lens of social media manipulation and slander.” - Ref21


Wheaton College, Controversial Speakers, and Some Factivism


“Bomberger continued his writing after the first round, publishing another article last week, this time bringing up one of the 100 guest speakers that Wheaton College hosts each year. …when he did not get the response he wanted, he decided to bring up a new issue—again with misleading information. - CToday


Can We Be Discerning Without Being Judgmental?

Good judgment is a function of wisdom, and exercising it—in the form of discernment—is a Christian duty. The Psalmist prays for discernment (Psalm 19:12), Proverbs exalts it (Prov. 14:8), and Paul prays that believers will abound in it (Phil. 1:9).

Tim Challies’ definition of discernment is as good as any I’ve seen (I have not yet read the book):


Bit-by-bit Bible Reading Plan

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

Two weeks into 2019 and I’m guessing some of us are already behind in our yearly Bible reading plan. If you’re like me, getting one or two days behind in January can be discouraging enough to want to call the whole thing off.

That’s what happened to me last year. I had an ambitious 10-chapter-per-day plan to get me through the whole Bible twice, and the New Testament three times. But this plan also meant that missing a day or two made catching up a major undertaking.


Online Vs. in-Person Education: Theological Training Is Supposed to Be Hard


“In my previous post considering Dan Wallace’s recent article discussing online vs. in-person education I concluded that, especially regarding theological teaching, in-person education is superior to distance education—all other things being equal. But rarely if ever in life are all other things equal.” - DBTS Blog


Abortion, Black Lives Matter, and Wheaton


“Last month, black pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger spoke on the Wheaton campus about abortion and race… . If disagreement is unsafe, then Wheaton is unsafe. If you don’t like people challenging your ideas when you are intentionally provocative, this is not the place to come and speak.” - Ed Stetzer


Curiosity Propels My Toddler to Learn. Will Computers Ever Compare?


“The who’s who of star tech companies together spend billions to crack even a sliver of the great problem of true intelligence. But my toddler, unbidden and unsupervised, does this entirely of his own agency. He is an analog masterpiece.” - CToday
