Five Ways the Bible and Economic Principles Are Connected


“Whether we acknowledge it or not, as implied above, economic laws, such as the law of comparative advantage and the law of supply and demand, are consequences of our being made in God’s image.” - IFWE


Student debt and moral hazard: To forgive or not to forgive?


“Beyond… the specifics of Warren’s proposal, I am more concerned about the message that it sends to Americans about the nature of debt and the promises freely made and the obligations freely assumed whenever anyone takes out a loan, whether for education, starting a business, or buying a house.” - Acton


Power of Problems vs. Power of God

In the mid-1700s Jonathan Edwards was serving as the pastor of a thriving church in Northampton, Massachusetts. He had been a faithful and hardworking pastor for 22 years. Though his gifts were clearly more academic than pastoral, he loved his flock, served them, prayed for them, and preached some of the most influential sermons in history from their pulpit.


Why Does Good Friday Matter?


“[W]hen we embrace it, this very repetition breaks through the noise to anchor us. So why does good Friday matter?” - GARBC
