FBBC: Volunteers Requested!


“This summer, we will be tearing out the old gymnasium floor and replacing it with the new surface. We have a professional installer ready to put the new floor in place, but we need the help of volunteers to tear out the existing floor and subfloor.” - Announcement


Gawk a Little


“Deliberately pressing back against the circumstantial disruptors allows us to deliberately re-enter the story—with all of its beauty and wonder—that Jesus is writing within and around us.” - Cary Schmidt


Bibles are not talismans. It’s about the words.


“I actually think I benefit from not becoming too attached to one particular format of my Bible. Changing translations, medium and format keeps my approach fresh and focused on what actually makes the Bible powerful.” - Proclaim & Defend


Artificial intelligence to draw evangelical focus


“The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission will host an event in Washington, D.C., at which the “Evangelical Statement of Principles on Artificial Intelligence” will be released. The document is intended to provide the church with an ethical foundation for how to think about artificial intelligence” - BPNews
