Women, Work, and the Home: What Is a Biblical Measurement of Success?


“Mothers are invested in this process [of bearing and rearing future workers] for only a segment of their adult lives. Most women will have sixty years as an adult in which to create value through their own labors. The challenge is how to do that wisely in a culture that largely requires parenting and income generation to be done in separate places.” - IFWE


Peterson almost seemed to be saying: “I want to be well.”


“During a remarkable convocation service at Liberty University on March 29, psychologist and best-selling author Jordan Peterson unexpectedly encountered the desperation of someone who wanted to change his life, but who seemed lost to know how to begin.” -World


"Gen Z can’t seem to commit to a Christian worldview"


“Jonathan Morrow of the Impact 360 Institute explains why he believes Gen Z can’t seem to commit to a Christian worldview. He lists two main reasons: the fear of being seen as judgmental and all that it encompasses, and what he calls the ‘crisis of knowledge.’ … the belief that we can only glean knowledge from the hard sciences.” - Christianity Today


Arkansas House OKs bill requiring schools offer Bible course


“The bill approved by the House on Tuesday … would require a public school to offer the academic study of the Bible if at least 15 students request one. The course would be taught in what the legislation calls a ‘nondevotional manner with no attempt made to indoctrinate students.’” - Fox News


The virtues of boredom in an anxious age


“Modernity has brought many blessings, but…. In a culture that so fervently strives after performance and hustle at the cost of all else, could it be that we may simply need more silence and more slowness?” - Acton
