How Might We Glorify God in His Attributes? (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

As we contemplate God’s perfections, we need to pay attention to what God has disclosed about Himself, linking these qualities together as they are linked together in His person. The perspectival aspect that is so important to grasp when we are dealing with the attributes should be remembered.


“When it comes to people with disabilities, Christians need to rethink what it means to be ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’”


“Williams syndrome is a ‘spontaneous’ deletion of about 25 genes occurring at conception on the long arm of the seventh chromosome. Researching it brought up phrases such as physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, developmental delays, speech delays, fine-motor issues, visual-spatial problems… and the list went on.” - AiG


U.S. births, fertility rates hit record low


U.S. births are at their lowest point in 32 years and fertility is at a record low, statistics released May 15 show. Births and fertility rates both fell 2 percent in 2018 from the previous year, the National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Md., said.” - BRNow


From the Archives – On the Subtle Sin of Jealousy

I have always thought of jealous adults as childish. But as I thought more about the matter, I came to realize that many of the sins we see so clearly in childhood carry over into adulthood. We simply learn to hide them better. For many of us, the weaknesses and sins we displayed in childhood are still with us: jealousy, laziness, a critical spirit, fits of temper, etc.


Reversing the Trend of ‘Half-Work’ and Constant Connectivity


“I cannot count the number of times I have found myself staring at a computer screen, wondering where the last fifteen minutes have gone because I have started work without a clear goal in mind and allowed myself to get distracted.


The Incompatibility of Critical Theory and Christianity


“Over the last few years, new terms like ‘cisgender,’ ‘intersectionality,’ ‘heteronormativity,’ ‘centering,’ and ‘white fragility’ have suddenly entered our cultural lexicon—seemingly out of nowhere.


Are Yoga and Mindfulness in Schools Religious?


“As a professor of religious studies, I have served as an expert witness in four public-school yoga and meditation legal challenges. I testified that school yoga and meditation programs fit legal criteria of religion.” - Intellectual Takeout


The Terrorist Who Came in from the Cold (Part 3)

In the last two installments, we defined what “faith” is and what it isn’t. We then looked at the concept of worldview and considered the practical implications of the secularist worldview – which are dark and hopeless. In this installment, we contrast that dark future with the glorious hope the Christian faith and message offers.
