6 Ways to Bring Light to Heated Talks with Teenagers


“While there’s no surefire way to guarantee easier, better conversations with your child, there are some things you can do to help them see you as more of an ally than a threat during these defining years.” - TGC


You Can’t Be “Anything You Want to Be”


“The truth is that if your desire is to do your work with excellence for the glory of God and the good of others, you simply can’t be anything you want to be.” - IFWE


AiG on the Bible vs. Life on Other Planets


“…the notion of alien life does not square well with Scripture. As previously discussed, the earth is unique. It is the earth that was designed for life (Isaiah 45:18), not the heavens.” - AiG


From the Archives – He Is God and We Are Not

Casting Crowns popularized a song titled, “In Me.” Some of the lyrics follow:

How refreshing to know You don’t need me.
How amazing to find that You want me.
So I’ll stand on Your truth, and I’ll fight with Your strength
Until You bring the victory, by the power of Christ in me.

I was impressed at the depth of these lyrics. They serve as a jumping board for my topic: He is God and we are not. Hopefully, these thoughts will serve as a tonic to remedy a popular—but weakened—view of God.
