The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Vaccines


“Some people ignore the overwhelming evidence and still believe the connection [to autism] exist because it was given credence in 1998 by the publication of a fraudulent research paper in the British medical journal The Lancet.


Are children their parents’ property?


“I consider myself pro-technology, even pro-robot. But I draw a line at eugenics. I don’t use that term as a slander — eugenics is exactly the right term for what Stossel and Brennan advocate.” - Acton


New Book Exposes How Evolutionary ‘Science’ Devolves


“This second extension to his 1996 classic, Darwin’s Black Box (where he first outed himself as an advocate of intelligent design), argues that unguided mutation and natural selection are indeed able to adapt organisms to their environments, but only within strict limits.” - TGC


What exactly is Christian about the Christian’s work?


“Simply put, work is what most people (including Christians) spend most of their time doing, and so most people at some point ask questions about the significance and purpose of their jobs and vocations.” - Acton
