Start the Day Happy in God


“Some of us are gaunt, frail Christians because we’ve learned, like our world, to cater to the whims of our own fickle hearts rather than direct them and determine to reshape them.” - Desiring God


Is ‘Gentle Parenting’ Biblical?


“If gentle parenting were just a mood board for solving parenting difficulties in nonconfrontational ways, I’d have nothing to say against it. But when you dig more deeply…you find at least two that stand opposed to the Bible’s teaching about parenting.” - TGC


Is It Ever Right To Lie Like Rahab?


“Was she right to lie? What does that say to us about our own relationship with truth? Can we ever tell a similar lie? There are other instances in the Bible where similar lies are told.” - Don Johnson


Trusting God when Life Makes Little Sense


“we’re so close to the situation that it’s hard to see anything other than the struggle. We see the ‘black,’ but we can’t see how that same struggle fits into the bigger picture. We can’t see the overall beauty because we’re too close to the picture.” - Chuck Lawless


7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 1

(Editor’s note: Written in 2018, but doesn’t seem to have lost any relevance!)

Many of my Christian friends are angry. Or afraid. Or both. At least, that’s the way it looks in their posts on social media.

And that’s too bad, for several reasons—


Enough already with the pro-Trump prophecies!


“I am a leader in the Pentecostal/Charismatic Church. And even though I worked hard with others to call for prophetic accountability and to rebuke the false prophecies about Trump, this is my family, so there is egg on all of our faces.” - Michael Brown
