Help! My Loved One Is Deconstructing.


“Every faith deconstruction story is about a person who has unique experiences. While the Bible doesn’t use the word, it does offer significant insights into faith deconstruction.” - TGC


7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 4

Read the series.

Number 4: Significance/Permanence. Some things matter more than others. Care about those.

On July 19th, 2018, Michael Drejka confronted a woman in a convenience-store parking lot because her car was parked in a handicapped space. The woman’s boyfriend, Markeis McGlockton, came out of the store, saw Drejka in a hostile confrontation with his girlfriend, and pushed him to the ground. Drejka drew a concealed weapon and shot McGlockton in the chest, killing him.


Worse Than Any Affliction: Why I Refuse to Grumble


“My flesh is wasting away, and who would blame me if I complained? Certainly not the world — it’s natural for them to expect an old lady in a wheelchair to grumble over her losses. But followers of Jesus Christ should expect more from me. Much more.” - Joni Eareckson Tada


Win People Rather Than Arguments


“arguments alone, whether they’re friendly or ‘battles,’ aren’t evangelism. Instead, we should seek to win people for Christ, not just score points in a debate.” - TGC


7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 3

Read the series.

Number 3: Giftedness. You can’t do everything, but you can do something. Do what you can.

A consequence of providence is that God has directed in your life as well as in the life of the planet. Your conception, birth, and life circumstances are not random or accidental; they are purposeful, and better yet, those purposes come from a good and great person, whose interest in you is entirely benevolent.
