How I’ll Be Reading the Bible in 2024


“Intimacy with the Bible comes by slow, meditative reading that focuses on small portions—deep study of books, chapters, and verses. Familiarity with the Bible comes through faster reading of larger portions” - Challies


How Church Leaders Can Be a Nonanxious Presence


“I offer this attempt to clarify what’s meant by ‘nonanxious presence’ and to provide recommendations for how we can help become such people ourselves.” - TGC


Hindsight, Opportunity Cost, and Mr. Regret

I was engaging in a bit of year-end reflection the other day. As usual, since reaching age 50 or so, my reflections quickly began to leap back multiple years, and then decades. And also as usual, my old friend Mr. Regret stopped in for a visit.

Don’t get the wrong idea. This is not a “negative” post. I’ve learned that Mr. Regret can only visit for as long as I let him. His visits might be more frequent now, but they’re shorter.

If we had conversations, they would go sort of like this.


A Key for Christmas

A sermon preached at Calvary Baptist Church in Simpsonville, SC in 2016.

Isaiah 22, Revelation 3:7-13

Imagine with me that on Christmas morning, one of the gifts you receive is a small box. You hold it in your hands, and it isn’t very heavy. You shake it and it rattles a little. You know that good gifts come in small packages, so you tear off the paper with anticipation. Inside you find a key. Would you be excited?


Bridging Your Real-Life and Virtual Identity


“Jesus reminds you that you can only be one person. You can’t hide behind manicured pictures, or a new product, or a more edgy tone…. ask God to help you cultivate digital integrity. How do you do that?” - Ref21


Who Are You When Only Your Family Is Looking?


“I have often heard it said that character is who you are when no one is looking…. But as I considered the character of an elder, I also found myself challenged with this: Character is who you are when only your family is looking.” - Challies
