Willingness to Confront vs. Eagerness for Controversy


“Jude had a preference: ‘Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude 3). He wanted to agree, celebrating God’s grace in their ‘common salvation.’ But he needed to confront” - 9 Marks


How To Ask So People Will Talk


“All of us are interviewers. We also can’t escape being interviewed, either formally or informally. Good questions and answers are some of the building blocks of God-honoring conversation.” - Ref21


What to Do When You’ve Got a Mean Boss


“No matter where you work, fallenness is all around you. Other peoples’ unkindness, though, does not negate our call to live at peace with them, and is certainly not a reason to visit their unkindness right back to them (Rom 12:17-18, 21).” - Common Good


Is it Biblical to Be Skeptical or Cynical?


“Skepticism is defined as having ‘great doubt’ regarding the truthfulness or trustworthiness of a claim….Cynicism, on the other hand, describes situations where we’re ‘contemptuously distrustful’ of someone’s action or motives.” - Daily Citizen


Duty Is Not the Opposite of Love

In preaching, teaching and writing, our good intentions are often defeated by an avoidable poor choice of words. Sometimes these inapt wordings gain popularity among Christians and become proverbial. Without thinking, we repeat them for the amens.

One example is the popular habit of speaking of duty and love as though they’re two competing and incompatible dynamics in the Christian life.


We Who Are So Ordinary


“God’s plan all along has been to use ordinary leaders to accomplish extraordinary things. His plan has been to use people of average ability to accomplish matters of eternal significance.” - Challies


To Forgive, or Not to Forgive?


“what if someone knows they’ve wronged you, yet doesn’t ask your forgiveness. Surely that justifies holding a grudge! Doesn’t their refusal to repent legitimize my bitterness?” - BJU Seminary


Marriage Advice from John Chrysostom


“Although imperfect and at times reflective of his culture, Chrysostom’s advice on marriage reminds us that marriage is permanent and, therefore, it must be entered with great care and sustained by mutual love and respect.” - DBTS Blog
