How To Make the Most of Lockdown (Tips from Christians in Italy)


“…parts of America and swaths of Europe have already seen significant lockdown measures put into place. To learn how to do this well, and to prepare as much as possible, I wrote to everyone I could think of in Italy to ask them for tips.” - Challies


Both body abuse and body adoration fail us


“ ‘You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body’ (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We are to glorify God with our bodies, not glorify our bodies. As Christians, our bodies are sacred, as the Lord has taken up residence in our lives.


Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Sermon No. 730 delivered on Lord’s-day Morning, January 20, 1867, by C.H.Spurgeon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington

“Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in Me.” — John 14:1.


Six Ways I Hope to Live and Grow During COVID-19


“I can be frustrated, discouraged, anxious, grouchy, and lazy. Or I can meet each day and every new challenge with positive attitudes and practices I develop by God’s grace. I made a list of qualities I hope to display during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.” - Dean Taylor


GARBC has scheduled a time of prayer on Facebook for March 19, 1:30 PM Central


“As our nation grapples with the Coronavirus disease, we will be going Facebook Live on our GARBC facebook page this Thursday, March 19, 1:30 p.m.(CT), for a special time of prayer. Join National Representative Mike Hess and ministry colleagues as we pray together for the following requests…” - GARBC


Good News and Bad News on the Family


“However you run the numbers, the drop-off since 2008 shows a significant decline in divorce. …More good news is that the percentage of children being raised by their parents in intact, married families is now 62.6%. This 2019 data is up from 61.8% in 2014, with the number going up each year.” - Gene Veith


ERLC's Thacker writes: AI 'must be wielded with wisdom'


“Followers of Jesus need not fear artificial intelligence but should realize its continuing development calls for biblical thinking regarding its potential benefits and threats to humanity, a Southern Baptist ethicist writes in a new book.” - BPNews
