Spurgeon on Suffering Depression and Trials

Perhaps it isn’t commonly known that Charles Spurgeon suffered from depression. In his book, Spurgeon on the Christian Life, Michael Reeves notes that today he would most certainly be diagnosed as clinically depressed.

At age twenty-two he was the pastor of a large church and the father of twin babies. While he was preaching to thousands of people, some pranksters began yelling “fire.” They created a stampede killing seven people and severely injuring twenty-eight others. Reeves cites his wife Susannah,


“Mom, I Want to Be a She” – How would you respond?


“Here’s that moment we should be ready for as a parent. No, not just gender identity, but also, ‘Mom, I don’t know if I believe in God,’ or, ‘Mom I’m pregnant’… the list is endless. But the question is, how do you respond in that exact moment? Here’s where I would encourage parents to consider four helpful practices.” - Jonathan McKee


God Can Redeem a Bad Job Choice


“Two months into the job, I felt as lost as a small ball in tall weeds. I’d advised friends unhappy at work to persevere at least a year before making a change. Sitting in those same circumstances, I didn’t care much for my advice.” - TGC


Satan’s Strategy #8: Be Happy


“Some non-Christians scoff at God, indulge in spectacular sins, and yet still seem to thrive.” - Ref21


Counsel for a Friend Who Wonders Which Christian Forest He’ll Land In


“I also know that evil dwells within me, as Romans shows, and that good dwells even among my enemies. God causes his common grace to fall on the unjust. And I find this to be such helpful knowledge. It takes from my shoulders the pressures of an impossible worldview.” - Mark Ward


“The New York Times is introducing revisionist history about race in America into classrooms across the nation without the normal peer review expected of educational materials”


“The [1619] project, a collaboration between the New York Times Magazine and the Pulitzer organization, has mushroomed into a movement to re-educate Americans with novel claims about how deeply racism is embedded at America’s core. As of February 2020, five public school systems had adopted the 1619 Project’s curriculum district-wide.
