ERLC's Thacker writes: AI 'must be wielded with wisdom'


“Followers of Jesus need not fear artificial intelligence but should realize its continuing development calls for biblical thinking regarding its potential benefits and threats to humanity, a Southern Baptist ethicist writes in a new book.” - BPNews


New Surveys Find That Religious Schooling Has a Lifelong Effect


“A survey conducted by the University of Notre Dame’s Sociology Department looked at comparative life outcomes for adults aged 24–42 who were educated in one of six school segments or types (public, private secular preparatory schools, Catholic schools, evangelical protestant Christian schools, religious homeschools, and classical Christian schools (schools affiliated with the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS)), and gauged them on seven life outcomes”


National Day of Unplugging: Are you ready?


“National Day of Unplugging [March 6] is part of a global effort to recognize that we are missing out on so many opportunities to have real connections instead of just digital ones. Check out the National Day of Unplugging website and consider taking the one-day pledge.


“Is it too much to ask Christians to be honest in their political activity?”


“I really can’t support Christian friends passing on lies and half-truths in support of Trump or any other candidate. So many of the ‘internet memes’ tell less than half the story, it would be better for us to not say anything at all, rather than passing on lies because we like to ‘stick it’ to our opponents.” - Don Johnson


Bible class laws do much less than you hope or fear


“This is almost certainly not as big a deal as supporters and critics alike suppose. The bill would do much less than either side hopes or fears. We know this because West Virginia isn’t the first state to consider or pass legislation like this in recent years.” - The Week


Am I Disqualified From Ministry If My Child Doesn’t Follow Jesus?


“The context of [1 Tim. 3:4-5] is the biblical qualifications for church overseers. It’s a passage of Scripture that’s created a great deal of stress for church leaders who have a wayward son or daughter or who have a child who appears out of control.” - F&T


“As we increasingly interact with intelligent machines, will they be responsible to make up for our failures?”


“What if this is a metaphor for our autonomy in general? We humans like to talk about human ingenuity as our own greatest hope. We’re confident that if we work together we can solve society’s worst problems. We’ll even pretend that we can deliver the planet. But we’d also like to keep the argument in our back pocket that when things go badly wrong God should have done something.
