The Value of Training in Biblical Counseling

By Brad Brandt

Thirty-three years ago, the Lord privileged me to become the pastor of Wheelersburg Baptist Church, in Appalachian southern Ohio, where I presently serve. At the time, the church was 109 years old. I was 26 and had just finished four years of Bible college and another four years of seminary. I believed the Bible was the inerrant, infallible, trustworthy Word of God. I was committed to preaching it, making disciples by it, and equipping this precious congregation to live by it.


Faithfulness in Waiting


“We can learn from Abraham by seeing every moment of waiting as an opportunity to embrace what God has given to us in the inbetween. If my husband and I decided to remain idle until he received a new job, we would have neglected the ministry God had called us to do in the meantime. Likewise, in whatever place you have found yourself, the Lord has led you there for a reason.” - Alexa Hess


Your Work Matters More Than You Think


“Obadiah is a godly man, and God has put him in the palace, next to Ahab. Imagine the darkness of this palace with its evil king and its wicked queen. King Ahab didn’t fear the Lord or walk in His ways. But God placed someone next to him who did.” - C.Leaders


Mars, Venus ... and Eden?

If you’re a Christian who wants to think the right way about marriage, you’ll have to decide whether God has anything to say about roles of men and women … and whether you care.

Are male and female distinctions just learned behavior? Are there no bedrock differences? Good differences? Wholesome differences? Complementary differences? Is all this just socialization?


1776 Project vs. 1619 Project: an evaluation


1776 Project: “although the argument for less ideologically driven historical education could not come at a more critical moment, the report is a missed opportunity to make it.” - Commentary


When the Wicked Prosper: A Biblical Perspective

What should we do when the wicked prosper?

Like most of you, I’m deeply concerned with a lot that’s taking place in our country. Godless ideologies are rapidly becoming mainstream as wicked people in powerful positions of influence relentlessly advance their agendas. Those who try to resist are marginalized or “cancelled.” The alarming success of the wicked cannot be ignored. It’s reshaping our culture, worldview, relationships, and freedoms. One can only imagine what might be on the horizon if the wicked continue to prosper in their endeavors.


Should I Talk About My Faith During a Job Interview?


“Thinking carefully about how we answer questions is not capitulation to compromise or fear. The apostle Paul sometimes positioned himself as a faithful Jew contending for the resurrection when he was before Roman authorities. In other moments he took on skeptical philosophers, using their own literature to evangelize.” - TGC


What Do I Do With My Fear?


“It seems in nearly every circle of people I am a part of, there is a palpable anxiousness right now….This is the problem with us as well. Our fears arise when we have forgotten who He is. That He’s so much bigger than whatever is worrying us. We must remind ourselves.” - Diane Heeney


An Illustration of Repentance


“Some sins are small and easy. We stop and walk the other way. Some sins, like the bicycle, are a little more difficult. … there is the process of coming to a stop, the process of the turn itself, and the process of getting up to speed in faithfulness. But some sins are enormous…. God works patiently with us, carefully slowing us down, as the captain does with the ship…” - Ligonier


On Living by the Loopholes


“We’re all for ethics, all for kindness, all for grace, when we’re the potential victim. But when grace is called for from us, we want to live by the loopholes. In this instance, you see, it’s different. No. It’s not.” - Olinger
