Practicing Gratitude: Grateful Heart, Grateful Life

By Diane Scallon

Did you know that practicing gratitude can rewire your brain? Yes, the brain, this amazing creation of God, can be rewired! Gratitude is a heart change that leads to behavioral change, ultimately improving your physical, mental, and spiritual health and even cultivating a delight for life.


For the Christian Who Is Afraid to Die


“James Meikle beautifully tells us in these words. ‘Why so much complaint of death? It is true, death is the fruit of sin, for by sin, death came into the world. But it is also true, that death is the finisher of sin to the godly—for by death sin shall be cast out forever.’” - Challies


Does Our Theology of Work Include Rest and Recreation?


“A part of recreation is rest. God demonstrates a pattern of rest at the end of the creation account, when he ‘rested from all his work that he had done in creation’ (Gen. 2:3). The God who does not tire stopped and rested.” - IFWE


On Sloth


“Since my previous post was on doing less and thereby getting enough sleep, I suppose I should balance it to keep folks out of the ditch on the other side of the road.” - Olinger


Holiness Does Not Mean a Drab Life


Jonathan Edward: “Holiness is a most beautiful and lovely thing. We drink in strange notions of holiness from our childhood, as if it were a melancholy, morose, sour and unpleasant thing; but there is nothing in it but what is sweet and ravishingly lovely.” - TGC


Why Pastors Should Lead the Way in Praying for the New President


“When an administration changes… we have the chance to show a watching world that we remain committed to following the instructions of our Lord through His apostles, regardless of party affiliation or what we had hoped for an election’s outcome.” - F&T


Is ET Calling Us?


SETI experiment suggests non-natural radio signal coming from the vicinity of Proxima Centauri, but seems to be another failed attempt to find alien life” - AiG


On Sleep


“Some years ago I decided to adopt a lifestyle that prioritized getting enough sleep. Decades later, I’m more confident every day that it was the right choice.” - Olinger
