On Certsitude, Part 1: “You’re Both Right!”


“Even my commenting friends who are asserting diametrically opposed positions have something true and useful to say. It’s counterintuitive. They’re saying opposite things, and yet they’re both right, in at least some sense.” - Olinger


‘You Could Go to Seminary!’

“You could go to seminary!”

I will never forget those words from my wife Lynnette—and she won’t either.

They were uttered as we were eating lunch one day in the spring of 1994, watching The Coral Ridge Hour from Dr. D. James Kennedy and Coral Ridge Ministries. The segment at the end of that particular episode highlighted the new Knox Theological Seminary, which Dr. Kennedy had begun and was promoting to his national television audience.


Thy Word Is Not a MagLite


“David’s lamp was sufficient to see a couple of steps ahead, but not much farther than that. It did not illuminate the whole way his feet would have to tread, but only the next few footfalls.” - Challies


Want to Fix Social Media? Lose the Anonymity.


“the problem of regulating speech when a service hosts hundreds of millions of users…. is a problem that is impossible to fix to anyone’s satisfaction. Moderate too many comments, and you will be accused of canceling’ one side or the other. Moderate too few comments, and congressmen and women end up cowering behind their desks as self-described shamans in Viking helmets storm the Capitol.” - The Dispatch
