Unstable World, Stable God, Part 10: Victory


“Many of them are awash in messy lives, as I was, but they illogically and absurdly blame God for the mess, even though it’s traceable directly to decisions they have made.” - Olinger


Some Little-Known Prophecies of Christmas: Part 3 – Genesis 17:19

Read Part 2.

The Messiah was a descendant of Abraham.

More than that, we considered last time how He was, in fact, promised within the covenant that God made with Abram (Gen. 12:1-3). According to the Apostle Paul in Gal. 3:16 and 19, He is the ultimate recipient of that covenant!


How do you harmonize the two accounts of Jesus' Genealogy?

The issue of the two genealogies takes some harmonizing. At first glance, they both appear to the genealogy of Joseph. Yet the wording in Luke’s Gospel has some wiggle room.

How do you harmonize the two? Bible-believing Christians have gravitated to three choices, but perhaps there are more? If so, please share your thoughts!

Poll Results

How do you harmonize the two accounts of Jesus’ Genealogy?


Unitarians and Episcopalians Created American Christmas


“The New England Puritans were strong opponents of Christmas, not only because of its connections with Roman Catholicism but also because, in 17th-century England, it had become a day known more for excessive drinking and gaming than for any religious observance.” - CToday


A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession


“Mentor Books is publishing “A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689”, edited by Rob Ventura and written by a collection of over 20 long-serving Reformed Baptist pastors.” - Ref21
