Pastors Around the World Apply Romans 13


“I reached out to church leaders from around the world, asking how they apply Paul’s command to ‘be subject to the governing authorities’ (Rom. 13:1). These believers hail from all sorts of countries” - TGC


Hard Evidence for a Supernatural Book, Part 3: Too Many Cooks

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And so we come to the evidence: objective evidence that the Bible is, um, unnatural, extraordinary, not like any other books. I’d suggest two lines of such evidence; we’ll look at the first one today, and a related topic later in the week. Next week, we’ll get to Door Number 2.


Common Grace Is Special Too


“The symphony of creation whispers of God. Proverbs 8:30–36 teaches that God’s wisdom is embedded in the fabric of creation, and when we thread ourselves into the same fabric, we’re blessed.” - TGC


Is Systematic Theology Helpful?


“1. Read theology to feed your love, not your pride…. 2. Read theology with an open Bible…. 3. Read theology prayerfully….4. Read theology with faith in Christ. Christ is the Word, the revealer of God” - Ligonier


Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 27): Summation (1)

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Covenant Theology and the Bible

In an article at TableTalk Stephen G. Myers writes,

Covenant theology seeks to use the biblically prominent covenants to inform our knowledge of God and of His work. Specifically, covenant theology contends that God has been working throughout history to gather His people to Himself through covenantal relationship.
