Why we need a 'Joshua Harris rule'


“in our own impatient age, we might adapt Solon’s advice: ‘Read no self-help book until the author is at least forty with kids.’ For, as another wise man once said, ‘gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.’” - World


Divine Selectivity in Worship: What Should We Believe?

In various ways, Scripture reveals that God has been selective in what He has accepted from humans in worship:

1. Any stone altars that were made of any hewn stones have been polluted altars, and all worship offered therefore on any such altars has been unacceptable

2. Leaven could be used in in one kind of offering but not in another

3. Honey could not be used in any offerings by fire


Jesus Teaches the Old Testament: The Importance of Jewish Roots Studies, Part 1

What is the big deal about Jewish Roots? How can we better understand Jesus by examining the debates of His day? Why should we care if He derived some of His teaching from Old Testament passages?

The answer is simple: context. Jewish Roots studies can contribute toward increasing the Biblical context; when we increase context, we increase understanding.


What Does the Bible Say about the Big Bang?


“The expansion of the universe is not chaotic; it is extraordinarily fine-tuned. Decades ago, Robert Dicke… calculated that for physical life to be possible in the universe, the cosmic expansion rate must be fine-tuned to within one part in 1055” - Reasons to Believe


Why I Switched from the NIV to the CSB (Christian Standard Bible)


“…does a good job balancing what the reader needs to know with the reader’s need to keep reading. They give the formal rendering if at all possible, but if not possible, they’ll give a functional rendering, often with a footnote about the formal translation.” - Word by Word


Galatians Commentary (No. 4)

This is part of a commentary series through the Book of Galatians. It began with Galatians 3:1-6. This series will progress until the book is finished, then circle back and cover ch. 1-2. This article covers Galatians 3:23-29.


The Cry from Memphis: How Long, O Lord?


“I’ve always found it beneficial in such times to distinguish between the known and the unknown…. This isn’t the way it was supposed to be (Gen. 3:14–19; Rom. 8:20–25).” - TGC
