Hard Evidence for a Supernatural Book, Part 7: Trifecta!

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So we’ve seen that Daniel’s specific prophecy of the rise and fall of Alexander the Great was at best very unlikely to have been written after Alexander’s death in 323 BC; and if Daniel describes Antiochus IV in chapter 11, then the skeptic’s position is even less likely. Daniel is accurately predicting future events, not faking it.


Is suicide an unforgivable sin?


“It is a peculiarity of Catholicism and the issue of last rites that consigns suicide to the category of the unforgivable sin…. it is surprising how deep-seated that view of suicide is among Christians.” - Ligonier


Jesus Teaches the Old Testament, Part 4: Midrash in the Gospels

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In my previous article, I mentioned how my specific use of the term “midrash” is one possible strand of meaning for this multi-stranded term. I use the term to refer to a New Testament midrash that I consider an elaboration of an Old Testament text. That’s it. I refer to the Old Testament text as the “mother text.” The mother text plus its New Testament midrash equals a couplet.


Good Friday from 5 Angles


“God’s perspective, Christ’s perspective, Satan’s perspective, sin’s perspective, and our perspective.” - D.A. Carson
